Real Initiatives
REAL Services Canada was established on a foundation of initiatives that targeted careers and training for youth and others interested in the aviation and aerospace sector. We continue to work diligently with this sector as we expand to assist other sectors and occupations making up Canada’s full economy.
One of our key goals is to engage in early-stage planning and development with companies, educators or sectors to effectively create the workforce solutions that meet the unique needs of each situation. This work can cover partnership development, incubator services, research or grant-writing to secure funds as some examples.
We are constantly working on building foundations and helping to move planning and projects forward with key stakeholders.
Here are some of the existing projects that have come to fruition…but stay tuned here or contact us directly so that you can find out more ways that REAL Services Canada can be the catalyst to help you build your workforce…. Reach out to [email protected].

Preparing the future workforce in aviation and aerospace means engaging young people in the learning, training and education needed to build a successful career path to the professions.
AIM-AA (Advanced Aviation Model for Aviation and Aerospace) is a leading initiative that focuses on developing and evaluating new concepts and models with industry and youth to build the future workforce. AIM-AA works directly with aviation and aerospace sector, and educators and trainers, to plan and evaluate new initiatives that will help to provide youth with skills, training, certification, career focus, education and apprenticeship. AIM-AA will work with youth aged 14-21 across Canada and can target specific regions, demographics or age groups to fit the goals of the partners and each project.
Pilot projects are established in consultation with industry and local companies and providers and can occur anywhere in Canada. We work within each project partnership to plan and execute the initiative and conduct research and evaluation. AIM-AA has some funds to support the project in such areas as resources/supplies, equipment, transportation for youth, instructor support, testing and certification processes, and overall project management. We rely on the partnership and contributions from the partners involved in each project, whether that be expertise, instruction time, use of equipment or facility, financial support or contributions of supplies and equipment.
The focus is on any occupation, any region in Canada, any pilot project and any target group you are want to reach…the ultimate flexibility in testing new methods and concepts to help you build your future workforce!

This is your comprehensive portal to careers and information on careers and professions in aviation and aerospace in Canada. Find occupational information and videos, news articles, educators and trainers, and search over 1500 companies and organizations from the profession. And check out the webinars offered regularly to give you the insight needed to gain a career in this sector. No cost for any visitor, and companies can get membership packages to be able to highlight their company, provide articles and host national webinars!

RPA Training Initiative. One of the burgeoning career opportunities is in the area of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (‘drones’). This occupation requires individuals to have a certified licence through Transport Canada in order to move into professions that use drones for their business. Sectors looking for licenced RPA pilots range from agriculture to forestry, and from the military to environmental research.

Virtual Training….the future here! In conjunction with our strategic partner – Delphi Technology Corp. – a new training system for pilots is being tested as part of a virtual training platform that may lead to a new way to deliver classroom and theoretical training to anyone wanting to secure their licence. As part of the mission to “inspire the next generation of aviators”, this new platform offers potential opportunity to all trainers, instructors and educators to support their goals of preparing future aviators to secure their licence in conjunction with their practical flight experience and training.
It offers a ‘turnkey’ solution for both the student and the instructor, and is founded on international licencing requirements to be able to meet standards of many countries (ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization).
The full system will be available in the near future and can be your baseline system for teaching and delivering pilot training at your flight school, college program or private training organization! CONTACT REAL Services Canada now to be the first to lead in virtual pilot training!
In addition to piloting, work is underway on a STEM based training tool for youth. Most importantly…given the ‘virtual’ platform being built will have the critical elements for overall learning, teaching and testing, once finalize this platform has potential to integrate most occupations and professions from many sectors…the future is virtual training! For consultation or a tour, please contact us at [email protected].

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
The future of high quality jobs and careers in many sectors has some basis of STEM. We have been delivering and testing new initiatives that help to target youth in STEM areas, involving some exciting virtual projects to hands-on sessions that allow youth to build, test, troubleshoot and have fun doing experiments and active learning.
We work with schools, youth groups, Cadet units and other organizations to be able to offer custom and fun STEM programs. We also partner with organizations to develop grant applications and business development to build and grow STEM based initiatives for specific industry sectors or occupations…so contact us if you want to develop a collaborative approach to help individuals you support become STEM ready!

Becoming an ‘entrepreneur’ or being self-employed is one of most significant opportunities that young Canadians can consider for their future. The latest stats show that approximately 8.4 million Canadians – or 70% of the private economy – were employed by small business. These businesses also generated 57% of the net employment growth over a recent 5-year period.
Helping youth gain the understanding, skills and some real-world guidance is a critical need in Canada and in most communities.
We offer 1-day BYOB sessions for schools and youth groups that help teach and lead them through fun learning activities while building the foundation of skills and interest needed to consider starting a business. Marketing, product/service development, financing and selling are some of the lessons learned while participants build and gain experience on their own ideas and concepts…leading to a ‘Dragons Den’ feedback session to help reflect and reinforce the skills learned and strategies for moving forward.
Contact REAL if you would like to engage in helping your students or young people learn about the world of self-employment and starting their own business!
For consultation or information on how REAL can help your company, sector or community, please connect with us.